1974 A Series Opel Manta Blog

The Opel Project blog has been setup to record the rebuild of my 1974 A Series Opel Manta.
1974 A Series Opel Manta Blog

1974 A Series Opel MantaFeatured

My 1974 A Series Opel Manta. It’s been a long project and there are still a few little modifications I want to do in the future,. Now running a 2.0l+ CIH engine on full OMEX 600 engine management with Webcon throttle bodies. Everything is custom-made or adapted, from the full 2.5″ stainless steel exhaust, Wilwood racing callipers, Cosworth rear callipers, Hydraulic clutch, Chevy S10 clutch kit and lots more.. Read on for full details of the rebuild and hopefully one-day pictures of her out on the road in Germany!

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Sharp RG – 7050E radio

A couple of months ago as i was having a little search on eBay, I came across someone selling a Sharp RG – 7050E radio. This was the exact radio that was fitted to the car when I bought it 🙂 and that one had sadly seen better days. The seller said it was in mint condition and he was selling it because the cassette was stuck in it and he could get it out, which is what happened to the one I had, so obviously a common thing when they get old. I knew how to get the cassette…

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Autumn Adventuring in the Opel

Since the VBO meeting, i haven’t had time to use the Opel much. Just a couple of runs out to Compton Abbas Airfield to see the Spitfires. This week is the last week that they will be there so if the weather is dry and sunny tomorrow I will be taking a little trip out to see them. Then I think its time to tackle a couple of jobs that I have had on my list for a while.    

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VBO Meeting Sywell 2024

This weekend it was the VBO meeting at Sywell Aerodrome. So it was time for a trip up in the Opel as I missed last years. The Opel was fully put to its test on the way up due to an accident and road closure at Newbury and the usual great handling of the UK police! After a bit of a diversion down lots of back roads I finally made it to Leicester for a stop over! This time the alternator charged fully and I can definitely say that the Evans waterless coolant does it job as not only was…

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A couple of little trips out in the Opel

In between all the July rain there have been a few nice days where I have been able to get out in the sunshine for a drive in the Opel. On Thursday I took a trip up to Compton Abbas airfield as they had a day when the 2 seater Spitrie’s were flying in and out of the airfield. And on Sunday it was a trip out to the Sherborne Caster Classic & Sports Car show. Loads of really nice classic cars supercars but not an Opel in site! You could pay to put your car on display but as…

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American Speedfest 11

Another great event at Brans Hatch circuit at the weekend. So many nice old American cars to look at (and unfortunately loads more of the new versions that you can buy from your Ford dealer here in the Uk 🙁 Loads of great racing from the Euro Nascar series and some other great older American cars racing, such a good event. I took the Opel up again and she drove great! A bit boring on the way up as i took the main roads but on the way back i took all the A roads which the Opel loves 🙂…

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A little exhaust upgrade

It’s been a while since i did anything on the Opel as I have been busy with my new project, the restoration of a 1997 Fiat Cinquecento Sporting Abarth (www.abarthproject.co.uk). And it turns out its very hard to find parts for it! But I did get some time to do a little bit on the Opel as I have 3 or 4 things I want to do before spring and one of those is to turn the Rage backbox I have into a repackable one. I know how I want to do it so the first step was to cut…

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Enjoying the Opel

As we have had some nice weather recently and after she drove so well to Brans Hatch the other weekend, im just going to drive and enjoy the Opel until the winter comes along and then i might do a couple of little bits on her that are more annoying me than functional. I need to sort the dipstick as its a bit lose and i would like to make the rear silencer re-packable as its getting a bit nosier as i think the packing must be degrading, but until then im just going to enjoy some drives in her….

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American Speedfest 10

It was time for a little trip in the Opel this weekend as i have not done that many long journeys in her since the Vauxhall meet last year! So it was off to Brands Hatch for the American Speedfest! The weather was great for the drive up and on the way back it ws even nicer so i took a slightly longer route and went on a few A roads as the Opel drives so nice on these! and its a bit more fun than motorway driving! Here’s to the next big trip!!  

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