Its been a while since i lasted posted any updates, which has been due to the extended winter 🙁 as its been a bit cold to get out and do anything of much use on the car! but we did get one day of spring like weather!!
So its back on with the cylinder head. Im putting the old cam back in while i get the engine up and running as i know there will be no clearance issues if im a bit of with the timing. Then when its all up and running i will take the head off and fit the new ENEM cam and a better elring head gasket. I also have all the new rockers, lifter and nuts etc.. to go on for the final build.
The timing disc is off being machined to fit the front pulley, the gearbox bracing needs a bit of machining for exhaust manifold clearance and im just ordering some gearbox sealer so i can finish the box rebuild.
After that its getting all the injection plumed in properly, the spark plug leads need to be ordered and the exhaust finished off and then we should be ready for a last check over of all the fittings, fill her up with oil and fuel and start to work through the checks to make sure we are all ready to fire her up 🙂